The reason we are here is to help our community and support those in Fir Vale and beyond who are in need. We provide a range of community groups throughout the week for adults and children.
Read More → about Community GroupsMain Content
Communion Service
Following advice from the Archbishop of Canterbury all churches are closed for worship for the time being to prevent further spread of COVID virus.
Due to the restrictions that are in place now, Firvale Foodbank will not be open to the public for the foreseeable future. Once the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, we will re-open. We will update the website when this happens.
Fir Vale Food Bank is the only non-referral Food Bank in Sheffield. It is run by a group of community volunteers. We meet every Thursday throughout the year offering help to those in need.
Read More → about FoodbankI enjoy volunteering as it is my way of giving back to the community.” - Food Bank Volunteer

About St Cuthberts’
We are here to create space where friendships can develop in a place of unconditional acceptance and welcome.

St Cuthberts, Fir Vale offer a warm welcome to all. Our Sunday service is at 10.00 am with Communion, and we provide a range of community activities in the week.
More about the church → about About St Cuthberts’You helped me to meet new people and get out of the house.” - Food Bank Regular Attendee